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Training Your Dog - Playing The Right Role
By Nick Luvera
In order for any dog training to work for any dog, you have to play the right role in his life. Most dog trainers and professionals gain this by teaching the dog from the beginning that the trainer Read more...


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A Beginner's Guide On Dog Training
By AndyErnestpnp
The training of dog begins during the period in its life when its socialization skills are being developed. If you train a dog too early, it will not learn anything because it hasnt developed to the Read more...

Dog Barking
By George Kane -
Dog Barking is perfectly normal as all other animals make their own unique noises, too. Birds chirp, foxes howl, pigeons coo and children laugh or cry. However, when dogs bark too much and bark for Read more...


Guide Dog Training For The Disabled
By Wade Robins
Who said that “the dog is man’s best friend” didn’t talk nonsense, and the saying is old enough to confirm its value of truth: not only is the dog a reliable friend and a playful giddy presence, but Read more...

Dog Training: Tips And Tricks To Stop Your Dog From Digging In Your Yard
By O'Neal Hendrix
It’s downright infuriating to look out the window and see Buddy digging another hole in the yard. You yell out the window; he may or may not even acknowledge he’s heard anything; then back to the Read more...

Find Out Just What Dog Training Is All About
By Daniel Waser
There are many misconceptions about dog training and, more specifically, effective dog training. This could be part of the reason there are so many untrained, misbehaving dogs frustrating their Read more...

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Simple Nitrogen Cycle Explanation - How Waste Is Re-cycled In Your Fish Tank.
By Adrian Whittle

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Anyone that keeps a Fish tank will know the importance of checking the water quality. Although the water might look clear and you can see your fish, this does not mean all is well in the tank. Unlike a river or lake, a fish tank is an enclosed volume of water. Any waste products created in the tank have nowhere to go unless adequately treated. This can lead to problems for the fish and other aquatic life that lives in the tank. The treatment of waste products is essentially what the nitrogen cycle is all about.

Waste products in a tank could consist of rotting plants, uneaten fish food or excrement from fish. As these substance decompose they create a gas called ammonia. Ammonia is a toxic substance for many living creatures, including fish. In small volumes in an enclosed space, like a fish tank, ammonia will kill a fish.

Ammonia is the start of the nitrogen cycle. Bacteria within the fish tank will convert ammonia to nitrites. This bacteria is known as Nitrosomonas. Nitrites are less toxic to fish but are still harmful if they are concentrated in one area for any length of time.

The second stage of the nitrogen cycle is when another bacteria, the Nitrobacter, oxidizes nitrites to form nitrates. Essentially the bacteria adds an oxygen atom to nitrites to change the compound to a nitrate which dissolves in water. Nitrates are considerable less harmful than the other two substances. This is the end process of the nitrogen cycle. It takes harmful waste products and changes them through to action of bacteria into substances that are less harmful to fish.

This process of making waste products less harmful for your fish is increased if you change the water regularly. Bacteria can be bought from a pet shop or you can allow the bacteria to grow naturally in your tank. This is the best option but it takes longer to get the tank to a state where you can keep a number of fish safely.

To grow the bacteria naturally, you simply inhabit your tank with a couple of hardy fish. They will excrete and leave food that will cause the bacteria to occur. Over time the bacteria will grow in number and be able to handle more waste. As the capacity of the bacteria grows so to can your fish population. Over about 6 weeks your aquarium will be up and running and you can add more fish.

Remember to always check the water quality to ensure that the water is safe and habitable for your fish. Also, know the maximum population of fish for the size of your tank so that you don't overpopulate the tank and destroy the ecosystem.
If you are thinking of creating an aquarium then visit www.fishtank-supplies.com . The site has features on all the equipment you will need to create an interesting and active fish tank, including fish tank maintenance and finding the best fish tank supplies . Adrian Whittle writes on fresh and saltwater aquariums.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Dog Training Clubs website.

Choosing The Right Dog Obedience Trainer For Your Pit Bull Terrier
By Tim Amherst -
Many pet owners enjoy the challenge of training their dogs. If the dog is the type that seems to enjoy being trained, it can be a very rewarding experience for both owner and pet. Pit Bulls have the Read more...

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