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How To Deal With Warts In Dogs
By Thierry Babineaux
Warts in dogs are infectious in nature and can spread to other dogs through physical contact. Warts in dogs are epidermis tumors that are caused by many different types of viral infections. Asking Read more...


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Tips For Training An Older Dog
By Andrew Bicknell
There is a saying that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". For many people with an older dog that was never properly trained they probably think this is true. Just like people do, when dogs get Read more...

Properly Crate Training Your Dog
By Andrew Bicknell
The best time to start crate training any dog is when he is a puppy, or if that is not an option when you bring him home for the first time. If you decide that crate training is something you want to Read more...


Become A Dog Trainer - Obedience Training Dogs - 10 Mistakes You Should Know
By Benjamin Rivers
If you want to become a dog trainer at home, please understand that dogs and puppies learn through your positive actions which are supported with verbal commands. #1) Don’t Read more...

Dog Training Part V: The Command Voice
By Hagar Lagarto
When giving commands to a dog, a calm, firm, authoritative voice is most effective. Dogs do not respond well to hesitant, pleading voices, nor to yelling, which might sound to the dog like Read more...

Dog Training, Training Your Dog
By Samuel Murray
Obedient dogs make the best companions. Time spent training your dog will reward you with a pet that is deeply bonded to you, respects you and is a joy to have around. Training your dog doesn't Read more...

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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading service dog training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Dog Training Advise
By smgenie

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

"Why does your dog sit when you tell him to and mine doesn't?", "How can your dog heel to you like that?" "Wow! He comes when you tell him to" - Sound familiar? If it does, you need to invest some time into a little bit of basic dog training. Starting to train your dog from a young age is crucial, as the first few months of his life is when you will have the greatest influence on him; this is where he is shaped into the dog he is going to be when he is all grown up.

The most basic of is to get your dog to sit and come. Teaching your dog those commands are essential for him to learn. These commands are used for various different reasons, if you are in competition, if your dog jumps making him sit will immediately get him off, and "come" is the all important one. If you take your dog for a walk, you let him of the leash and you expect him to come back to you, not run around the park with you chasing after him shouting at him to "get here right this instance". That would be just down right embarrassing!

To teach your dog how to come requires only the most basic of techniques but a lot of repetition. The simplest way to get him to come is have a toy in one hand and a treat in the other, when you are in the house simply walk away from him, hold out the toy and excitingly call him to you, when he comes over give him a treat, always use the command for come that you are going to use in the future. Doing this several times a day is a great way to teach him, but remember to have lots of long breaks so he doesn't get bored and stop enjoying it, and don't forget the treats!

Getting him to sit could be a slight bit harder but again only requires basic dog training. When you have mastered the come command call him to you, place your hand on the end of his back and say "sit" while gently pushing down on his backside, when he sits his bottom down give him a treat and a lot of praise. If you want him to sit longer just delay giving him the treat and the praise, get him to sit but take your time bending down to him and feeding him his tidbits.

Basic is simple and very effective. It should also be fun for you and your dog, it does not have to be hours and hours each day just may be 5 minutes or so. Do not forget to reward your dog and yourself for all the "hard" work though!
For more information about training your dog, visit Dog Training

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our service dog training website.

3 Common Dog Training Mistakes
By James C
If you are in the process of training your dog you know that it can be a frustrating task. Will they ever get it? People often make many mistakes during the training process that can greatly extend Read more...

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