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Fashion Trends For Dog Pets
By Jenny Gregorich
Poochieheaven is the place to go for Dog dresses and dog dress. We also have a dresses for dogs.Dogs are a man’s best friend was just a saying until a decade ago. No one really treated them exactly Read more...


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Dog Aggression Training: Take Control!
By Allen McDaniel
Dogs are an instinctively aggressive animal. In nature, aggression would be extremely handy for dogs. Dogs must have aggression to hunt, to defend their food, to acquire a mate, etc... Read more...

House Training Puppies. Recognizing, Preventing, And Handling Dog Aggression
By Max Pow
A dog is an instinctively aggressive creature. In the wild, aggression came in very handy: dogs needed aggression to hunt, to defend themselves from other creatures, and to defend resources such as Read more...


Dog Training Don'ts- What Not To Do When Training Your Dog
By Ty Brown
Over the years I have seen my clients commit numerous dog training atrocities. Okay, I too have committed my fair share. So let me share the benefit of having seen some dog training mistakes that I Read more...

Quick Advice On Better Portuguese Water Dog Puppy Training
By Richard Cussons
Are you in the know at what age does a dog need to be in order to start being housebroken? You will read plenty of consensus regarding three weeks old being ideal, but results may be unsurprisingly Read more...

Dog Training- The Matchstick Trick
By Ty Brown
The matchstick trick is a weird dog training technique. Every time I suggest it to a client I typically hear, “You want me to do what?” It works, though. Let me preface the trick first, however, with Read more...

Welcome to DOG TRAINING - your comprehensive remote dog trainer resource.

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading remote dog trainer articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Is Dog Training Necessary Part 1
By Jeff Pettit

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

A question many people ask me is should I train my dog or how much training is necessary for my puppy. Dog obedience training is more then just telling your dog what to do or telling him to stop practicing a particular behaviour, it is about building trust with your dog and letting him know that he can feel secure and that you will look after him. is not just for elite competition or show dogs. I believe at least a basic level of should be given for every dog or puppy.

When training your dog you will need a great deal of patience and perseverance. Some dogs will pick things up quicker then others and you will need to alter your training techniques slightly for different breeds of dogs and different temperaments.

Behaviour Training Problems

Dogs often develop behavioural problems such as digging up the yard and chewing everything in sight. These behavioural problems can become a major problem if your dog exhibits aggressive behaviour patterns such as biting, lunging at people, and excessive barking. I deal with specific techniques to deal with these problems on my website but for now lets look at the general principles behind training your dog.

Types of Training

There are generally two broad categories for dog training, positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. The former is a much kinder and a more effective way to train your dog. This involves such rewards as praise, food and some replace the food reward with a clicker.

Negative reinforcement may work but it will not develop trust and loyalty with your dog. It will cause the dog to act out of fear and not out of a willingness to please you. I do not recommend this kind of training. It can be tempting to resort to this when you are getting frustrated with your dog but a much better approach is to alter your training slightly to a method that your dog will understand.

Dog behaviour training is an activity that we do with our dogs. With the right techniques is fun for the dog and owner and will make living with your dog a much more joyful experience.
Teach your dog basic behavior training at: Basic Dog Training

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our remote dog trainer website.

Home Dog Training Vs. Dog Obedience Class
By Chris Alexander
Should you utilize home dog training or attend a dog obedience class? That is a very good question. Well they both have their pros and cons. Let's first talk about training at home.br Read more...

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