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Dog Training - Dog Bites
By John M Williams
So you're either in the unfortunate situation where you, some one you know, or a family member has received a dog bite or maybe you're just curious of what steps to take in the case of this kind of Read more...


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House Training Your Dog - House Training Tips For A New Puppy
By Max Young
Once a young puppy arrives in the household, it is an exciting time for everybody. In order for the homecoming to go forward as smoothly as possible, it is a good idea to spend a little bit of time Read more...

5 Free Aggressive Dog Training Tips, Dog Aggression Exposed
By J. Walden
All dogs need basic dog obedience training. They, like young children, must learn manners. Some dogs bark all of the time, while others show aggressive dog behavior. It is not uncommon to have a dog Read more...


Obedience Training For Your Dog
By Jack Russell
There are dogs that do not have bad behaviors, and even if their owners are trying hard to tech them to obey some simple commands, these dogs are hardheaded. Chances are, many owners would just dump Read more...

Dog Training Supplies: Dog Leads And Dog Training
By Thierry Babineaux
When you get a new dog, you will of course wish to spend time with it and even to train it. You will therefore, require the various dog training supplies that are on offer. Thankfully, there are many Read more...

Dog Kennel Training
By Noelben
Dog Kennel Training, most often described as Crate Training, is the best way to get started with house breaking the new puppy you have just brought home. The 'Kennel' may be referred to as 'Crate' Read more...

Welcome to DOG TRAINING - your comprehensive Herding Dog Training resource.

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading Herding Dog Training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Important Guide To Training Your Dog
By John Singleson

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Before starting dog training, it is best that you know your options well. These days you can find many types of dog training, in many different places. These trainings vary in price and each one them has something different to offer.

The first type of is known as puppy preschool. This is a course meant for puppies that are about 6 weeks to 5 months old. These puppy preschool classes generally last for no more than 6 to 8 weeks. In these training sessions, your puppy is essentially taught how to socialize with people and as well as other puppies. Here your puppy also begins to learn how to sit down, stay at a place, and how to come.

The second type of course is meant for the dogs that are at least 5 months old. This type of is known as the basic dog training. The duration of these classes is usually about 8 to 10 weeks. This is the basic course, where your dog is taught the art of walking properly on a leash, sitting, staying, coming and heeling.

The third type of course is known as the intermediate dog training. This aims at teaching the dog mostly the same things that are taught in the basic training course, in a more detailed form. Here the dog is trained to stay for a longer span of time, and is also taught to follow the orders given by other people.

The intermediate generally lasts for about 8 to 10 weeks, and is meant for those that are no less than 5 months old. It is essential for the dog to have completed its basic course, or to be accustomed to the basic commands that could have been taught by the owner.

The next type of training course is known as the advanced course. Here, once again, the course is quite similar to its previous one, i.e., the intermediate course, except for the fact that this time it is more detailed. Here, the dog is taught how to sit even without you in the view.

This training course is about 8 to 10 weeks long, and is meant for those that have completed their intermediate training. Here, they are also trained to walk beside their owners without a leash. Moreover, it gradually prepares the dog to take the Canine Good Citizen training course. The Canine Good Citizen training for dogs is the last course. To pass this course, your dog will be taught the 10 necessary aspects.

This course is strictly meant for those dogs that have completed all the previous courses. The test is quite tough and can only be passed if the dog is really well behaved. Depending on whether your dog can pass, the course can last for several weeks.

Keeping this information in mind, you should be able to decide the course best suited for your dog. However, you may seek the opinion of your local dog trainers to know more. Many trainers consult for free. So now you should be at least a step closer to introducing your dog into a training course!
Learn about poodle grooming and shih tzu grooming at the Puppy Grooming site.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Herding Dog Training website.

Dog Training And Obedience
By Bobbie McKee -
Teach your pup to sit as his first lesson. There are several good reasons why you should start with this command. First, sitting comes naturally to dogs since they often sit to rest. Two, teaching Read more...

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