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Coping With Pet Allergies
By Morgan Tyler
Is it hard for you to approach your pet without itching or sneezing? If so, your body may be overly sensitive to your pet's dander. But just what is pet dander and how does it affect your Read more...


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Tough California Dog Laws Means Your Dog Must Be Given Dog Training In California
By Roland Parris Jefferson III
California is a state where strict laws are enforced to dog owners, making them liable for any damages created by the dog. This means if someone is bitten or property is damaged, dog owners can Read more...

Train Your Dog To Respond To You Immediately With Clicker Training
By Ivan Ojounru
Clicker training is a technique based in positive reinforcement. The technique involved relies on a distinct sound given to your dog when he has performed a correct behaviour. Animal trainers, Read more...


Do Dogs See In Black And White?
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Many people wonder if dogs see in black and white. This is a very common question, and the answer might surprise you. It is common to want to humanize pets, so we hope that they see and feel the same Read more...

Successful Dog Training Methods
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A very good relationship between you and your pet consists of mutual understanding, but how can you achieve that? By means of dog training methods, of course, though you should not be alarmed if you Read more...

Dog Training Tips For A New Dog Owner
By FastSubmitArticles.com
Bought a new pet and looking forward to being a good dog owner? Then perhaps you may find these tips useful. Your dog is going to be a new addition to the family, and it's going to take some time to Read more...

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Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog Obedience
By Alex de la Cruz

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Perhaps obedience is the most important thing that any pet should render to its master. Dog obedience is a great thing to have. Having a defiant dog can create a lot of stress and problems for the owner. Its vital that you have control over your pet. Ruling it with an iron fist is out of the question. Being too strict gets you nowhere. When training one should let the animal know who's in charge, but cut it some slack. Don't be too lax or your pet will think it's the boss. You'll end up with a hard headed dog.

Having effective communication skills is the key. Positive compliments does help pets during training. It motivates them to do better and you gain more cooperation from it. Implementing a reward system does wonders. Knowing when to praise and reward your pet is a must. Never praise or give a reward to your dog doing something disobedient. Otherwise it will make it a habit - and you lose control over it. Keeping your pet happy is necessary. Trying to teach an angry or sad pet is very difficult. They tend to not obey any commands. Therefore you must know how to calm them down or make them happy.

They are more willing to learn when in a good mood. As much as possible try to keep your dog in that state. There is a proper time to correct or punish it. Be aware though: dogs are lesser mammals. There will be times that it'll just do things that dogs must do. Do not punish them for every mistake they make. You may lose its trust if you do so. must take place at the right time. Training your pet at a very young age doesn't work. Attempting to do so at an old age will surely be harder; hence the expression "you can't teach an old dog new tricks".

You must be ready to train as well. There must be a constant schedule set. You must have enough time at hand to follow it. Training it whenever you feel like can't work. It must be made routine. In short, the both of you must be ready. Nutrition plays a part in this as well. There must be enough nutrients for you pet to get it through each training session and through out the day. Lacking any essentials could make it tire easily, shortening the duration of the time alloted for training. Make sure that it gets enough water or whatever you choose to let it drink.

Giving breaks for your pet during training sessions should be observed. Never push your pet over its limit. Don't work it too hard. It can't do anything if it doesn't have the energy to do so. Enough time for rest is important. is not an easy task - it requires patience and an owner that is has the will and time to carry out the routines. Consulting a professional for more tips on how to gain obedience from a dog may be necessary, especially for those who have no experience at all.
The author of this article, Alex De La Cruz, is a Dog Expert who has been successful for many years. Because most people think that Arthritis is a humans-only disease Alex now informs dog owners with his dog_arthritis.doggybooks.info Ebook on how to discover this disease and let their dogs live as pain-free as possible.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our dog training class website.

Dog Training – House Training Your Dog
By Mark Bensen
One of the most confusing and anxiety-ridden areas of dog training is house training. Yet, it is one of the most important, especially for the humans involved.The best way to Read more...

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