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Tips For House Training Your Dog
By Neil Teasdale
The first thing you must have when attempting to house train your dog is "patience." Keep in mind that when we were young, we too had to learn where and when we could go. Bad news is, we don't have Read more...


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Potty Training Dog
By Blog-ed
This aspect to me is one of the most important of all because this really does need to be done correctly most effectively when your dog is a puppy, i`ve seen a great deal of methods on how to do this Read more...

Training A Dog Not To Bite
By Tom Shadow
Ask any young dog and you will find that its favourite occupation is to chew something. Using its teeth is important to a dog and therefore, training a dog not to bite is essential to stop Read more...


Dog Training For Different Stages
By Damien
Dog training is the process of teaching a dog various kinds of behavioral responses under specified circumstances and to commands. Dog training involves stages, and not all types of training are Read more...

Dog Training Supplies: Why Its Good To Have A Good Dog Lead
By Scribbler
When you get a new dog, you will of course wish to spend time with it and even to train it. You will therefore, require the various dog training supplies that are on offer. Thankfully, there are many Read more...

Crate Training Your American Pit Bull Terrier: Will It Help Your Dog?
By Tim Amherst -
Crate training is one of the most often misunderstood dog training techniques. Many questions often come up when discussing the topic of crate training such as: “How can I use crate training to teach Read more...

Welcome to DOG TRAINING - your comprehensive dog behavior training resource.

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading dog behavior training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

The Ultimate Guide To Dog Training
By Brad Collins

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

We've continually had dogs around ever since I was a child, and even when our household was "between dogs" I adopted next door's Boxer dog as my own. Despite this, as a family we didn�t have a clue how to properly train a dog � as long as it didn't mess on the floor, chew up our slippers and at long last came on the fifth bellow of its name we thought things were just fine.

Like many dog owners I didn't know the elementary thing about training a dog. Well, we think we do because the dog sits or else offers us a paw as soon as we have a delicacy in our hands but those are merely party tricks.

Then I bought my very own dog when I got a place of my own. As she grew she changed from loveable pup into a liability. She wandered off, in no way came when called and turned into the Tasmanian Devil each time anybody called around. The final straw came when she tore into the room and scrambled up to sit on the shoulders of a visitor who had come to assess me for a voluntary position. He was not a dog lover and I can still remember the look on his face instantly...

Difficulty was, I had always treated dogs as furry acquaintances, forever giving in to those sad-looking eyes and never realizing that the dogs saw me in a utterly different way. Dogs are pack animals and as such they are extremely aware of their position in the pack � and you and your household are its pack, even if there's just the two of you.

Grasp that small detail of dog psychology and you are well on your way to a happier dog. From now on you are free to make it plain to your dog that you are the Alpha male or leader of the pack and what you say goes. See that furniture? That's mine. You remain on the floor or inside your dog basket. Don't feed the dog tidbits from the dinner table � in truth the dog ought to be in his basket while you have a meal, and he only gets fed as soon as everybody else has finished.

But isn�t that really being mean and taking all the fun out of owning a dog?

The leader of the dog pack eats initially. He sleeps in the best place. The Alpha male takes no notice of lesser dogs fussing around him when he returns from the hunt. When you consistently conduct yourself as leader you are communicating to your dog in a language he understands.

As soon as you come back home, ignore your dog's frantic attempts at attention seeking until he calms down � at that time you praise him. It won't be long before your dog realizes he's gone down a few notches in the group hierarchy and acts accordingly. You'll soon observe that your dog greets you quietly and quickly settles down as he's worked out that is what time he receives praise from you.

Still not convinced that training your dog makes him a happier dog? Look at it from the dog's point of view. He's living in a human world full of confusing things and behavior he can't understand. By not schooling your dog his place in your pack he will feel it's his place to take charge. But this leaves him feeling stressed, ensuing in an uncontrollable and bewildered dog constantly trying to make sense of an overwhelming world it cannot understand.

But once you assume command as leader of the pack, you take that accountability off his shoulders. Just like a well-trained soldier, he will be content knowing his place, his role in the pack and what's anticipated of him � and contented to defer to your leadership knowing you'll take care of the "big stuff".
brad collins has been involved with small business since 1982 and is currentlly reserching internet related businesses trainingjapanesespitz.blogspot.com/

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our dog behavior training website.

Where Did Yoga Come From
By Collin Harvey
Today's society is much faster paced that ever before. People have more stress problems which lead to more health problems, mental and physical. There are more concerns with toxicity in the food we Read more...

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