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By deepak kulkarni
As you devour this article, remember that the rest of it contains valuable information related to dog training and in some way related to service dog training, dog house training tips, dog agility Read more...


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The Secret To Understanding Obedience Dog Training
By Allen McDaniel
The Secret To Understanding Dog Obedience TrainingDog obedience training is important for a number of reasons and the reasons can vary depending on what type of home the dog Read more...

Obedience Training For Your Dog
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Dog Barking
By George Kane -
Dog Barking is perfectly normal as all other animals make their own unique noises, too. Birds chirp, foxes howl, pigeons coo and children laugh or cry. However, when dogs bark too much and bark for Read more...

Beyond Basic Dog Obedience
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Finally your little bundle of furry sweetness has plumped the numbers in your family. You have dreams of a well-behaved pup that is a joy to spend time with and never, ever does those classic doggy Read more...

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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading Potty Training Dog articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Dog Training - Five Great Reasons To Train Your Dog
By Julie Hill

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

1. Exercise your dog's brain
We all know that we need to make sure we walk our dogs and give them opportunities to free run. However, your dog doesn't only need to exercise his body - he needs something to keep his brain active too. He has a keen intelligence, and left to his own devices too much he's going to get bored and find ways to amuse himself. This will include activities that you won't approve of, like chewing your favourite possessions, or digging up your flowerbeds. Training that involves your dog thinking can be just as tiring as a long hike. And unlike humans, a tired out dog is a happy dog.

It doesn't matter whether you're teaching basic obedience or party piece tricks, if you use positive reward based methods your dog won't be able to get enough of it.

2. Strengthen the bond between you
Your dog wants your attention, and when you are training him you are giving him attention. Make sure you use encouragement and let him know when he does the right thing, and he will love training sessions. The strong relationship between humans and dogs has a long history, and we are excellent at working together. Presumably you got a dog because you wanted to spend time with him, and your dog shows you every day that he loves spending time with you, and interacting during training will really help develop your relationship.
Work to your dog's strength. If you have a scent hound try games where he has to sniff items out. If you have an energetic breed try taking up agility. The great thing about training is there are so many different activities to get involved in, you're bound to find one to suit you and your dog.

3. Going to a class socialises your dog - and you
One of the best ways of training your dog is by attending a class. This may sound like a lot of effort to go to, but it's well worth it. Training alongside other handlers and dogs will help your dog learn to focus on you even when there are distractions around. If you have a puppy, a nervous dog, or an over-enthusiastic greeter classes can be a great help. Your dog can learn in a safe environment and have fun with other dogs.
You will find a lot of support from training with other dog owners too. It's comforting to know you aren't the only one with a dog that sometimes misbehaves, and that others have difficulty getting their dog to walk to heel, or come back to them in the park. Plus of course you'll have the instructor to turn to for advice.

4. It might just save your dog's life
Imagine this scenario: the doorbell rings, you answer the door, and while you're busy talking to the caller, your dog squeezes past your legs and runs out onto the road. It doesn't bear thinking about does it? The thing is that with a surprisingly small amount of training you can teach your dog to never go through a door without your permission, and train a reliable recall so that should he get out, he will come back on command.
Out on a walk your dog could be tempted to eat any variety of disgusting or dangerous objects. By training a "leave it"command, you can - even from a distance - instruct him to drop and avoid the item.

5. It's fun
You can make even basic obedience fun by having the right attitude to it, training with others and bearing in mind how important it is for your dog. Once you've mastered the basics the world's your oyster! You can progress to agility, flyball, Cani-X, or even water training. If obedience does suit you and your dog, you can always go on to the challenge of competition level. And if you want something really eye-catching, do consider heelwork-to-music, which is often called doggy dancing.

So now you know how important - and enjoyable - training your dog can be, what are you waiting for? Get training!
Julie Hill is the host of DogCast Radio and edits All Dog Videos.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Potty Training Dog website.

How To Start Agility Training For Dog
By Provoc
Due to a rule, agility training should start month the pet is still a little guy. However, owners could still help training cloak older dogs. The question “when is the dog considered decrepit for Read more...

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