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How To Choose The Best Dog Training Obedience Schools
By Chris Simpson
Who wouldn’t like to have a most obedient pet around the house, you could take it everywhere or leave it at home with someone else without worrying it wouldn’t listen. This is when dog training Read more...


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Simple Nitrogen Cycle Explanation – How Waste Is Re-cycled In Your Fish Tank.
By Adrian Whittle
Anyone that keeps a Fish tank will know the importance of checking the water quality. Although the water might look clear and you can see your fish, this does not mean all is well in the tank. Unlike Read more...

Crate Training Your American Pit Bull Terrier: Will It Help Your Dog?
By Tim Amherst -
Crate training is one of the most often misunderstood dog training techniques. Many questions often come up when discussing the topic of crate training such as: “How can I use crate training to teach Read more...


Don't Let Your Cat Urinate Around The House
By Jess Shaw
Anytime your cat backs himself up to a door or other article in your house, lifts his tail, and releases urine - you have a conundrum. This difficult is known as spraying, and is very universal with Read more...

Looking After Your Dog, Part Seven - Dog Agility Training
By Niall Kennedy
Dog agility is a sport in which a dog runs on a course, laid with intermittent obstacles, under the supervision of its owner or trainer. The sport made its debut as an entertainment event for Read more...

Dog Training - The Down Command
By John M Williams
This command is a very useful command and is relatively easy to teach your dog. After learning the sit command, this command should be a breeze for you. Getting your dog to be able to lie down and Read more...

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American Pit Bull Dog Obedience Training
By Tim Amherst

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

The Pit Bull terrier is an amazing dog and is extremely energetic and can certainly prove to be a handful if not properly trained. American Pit Bulls are extremely loyal and when a relationship is formed, it lasts forever. If you're a new Pit Bull owner, you really need to understand how demanding these dogs can be and realize that they need a lot of attention and training in order to recognize their full potential as pets. Pits are very intelligent dogs and this will work to your advantage as you're going through the training process.

Because of their high intelligence, Pit Bulls can have stubborn streak in them but don't let this scare you when it comes to obedience training time. You as the owner must remember that there will be times when you ask him to do something and he's not going to obey, even though he knows what you are expecting him to do. Remember to remain patient in these times and don't get frustrated. The earlier you being training your Pit, the better. At 8 weeks of age, you can begin basic training and socializing your Pit Bull puppy. Remember, make sure to keep the training activities fun and use positive reinforcements to encourage desired behavior.

Socialization is one of the key areas of focus for Pit Bull training. Pits can be extremely friendly and affectionate animals but they can be dog aggressive if not properly socialized. The best way to socialize your pup is to enroll in training classes. Training classes allow your Pit to be trained side by side with other dogs.

When your Pit Bull puppy reaches the age of 13-16 weeks, you can begin a more serious training routine. During this age, your Pit will likely test his boundries with you and explore the area of dominance. He may nip and try to assume the alpha dog role. It is important to be strong during this time and maintain the dominant role in the relationship.

Pit Bulls are genuinely lovable family dogs that if properly trained, make a great pet for anyone. They are excellent dogs that love being around their "people". Be sure to train your Pit Bull as early as possible and remember to stay consistent.
To learn all about American Pitbull Terriers and training a Pitbull, visit www.pitbullsrevealed.com/ today.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our dog breed website.

When Teaching Your Dog Obedience, Positive Reinforcement Is A Must
By Craig Vic
Teaching dog obedience becomes a lot simpler when you understand how important positive reinforcement is. It really is the cornerstone of any kind of dog training course. But it's also important that Read more...

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