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I'm Having Trouble House Training My Dog
By Andrew Bicknell
Getting a new dog or puppy can be a very exciting time for any person or family until the first time he goes to the bathroom on your carpet. House training your new dog can present something of a Read more...


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The Excitement Of Dog Agility Training
By Andrew Bicknell
One of the most enjoyable activities you can do with your dog is dog agility training. Not only is it great exercise for your dog but it will keep you in shape as well. It is also a great way to Read more...

The Art Of Picking A Puppy For Schtzhund Training
By Joseph M Sabol
For a working dog to earn a prestigious Schutzhund title, he must excel in obedience, tracking and protection. So, how can you determine the ability of a playful, young puppy for such a demanding Read more...


When Dog Training Really Matters
By Jack Russell
Dogs can be very sociable. In fact, they sometimes get too sociable and get aggressive. That is why it is important to train the dogs to control their behavior. Moreover, dog Read more...

Therapy Dog Training - Working With Your Dog
By Dean Iggo
Therapy dog training, while important, is something with which many people are not familiar. A therapy dog is one that is used to do animal assisted therapy and activities. Organizations train the Read more...

5 Popular Dog Training Games And Its Benefits
By James Lee
Dog training games can be use to complement your daily dog training activities to teach your dog basic commands and cultivate desirable behavior and at the same time foster your's interest in Read more...

Welcome to DOG TRAINING - your comprehensive dog grooming training resource.

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading dog grooming training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Stopping Your Dog From Jumping Up With House Training Puppies
By Max Pow

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

The Two Reasons Why Dogs Jump Up On People

First, and probably most common, is the jumping dog who greets this way.

Also, this behavior can be positively reinforced during greeting times, when a jumping dog is met by an excited owner who immediately praises, feeds, walks and/or plays with their pet after getting "jumped," so to speak. Jumping becomes part of this routine. It is rewarded and reinforced.

A second reason for jumping, which is less commonly the case, is that they may be trying to establish dominance. Dogs jump up on each other through what's known as "teeing off."

Identifying Dominant Behavior in house training puppies

It's important to identify this behavior by seeing it in the broader context of your relationship. First, realize that a disobedient dog isn't necessarily a dumb one. If they don't listen to you, and push and pull you around, they may have decided not to recognize you as their superior in the pack hierarchy (while still thinking the world of you as a companion!).

If you suspect that the jumping is in fact an expression of dominance, then it is likely that your house training puppies will need to involve heavier corrections. This just means you might need to do more than simply ignore the dog while jumping and train them to Sit and Settle before getting your attention. For instance, water squirting, sharp "growling," or even forcing the dog down and holding them down until they are still are all corrections that will short circuit this behavior.

Laying Down The Rules

During greetings, always try to prevent your dog from jumping up in the first place. Put your hand (or both hands) out in front of you and hold still. A trained dog will be able to respond to this gesture reasonably quickly with repetitions. As with any training technique, do not introduce any verbal commands UNTIL the correct behavior has been demonstrated. Only when your dog gets down on his own accord should you start using the "down" command to accompany the behavior. This is how they learn the command, by having the right action to associate it with.

Turn your back and ignore the dog. And calmly ask him to sit. When he has calmed down, and ideally responded to the sit command, then you can turn and greet the dog. If he starts jumping again, repeat the process. Be patient, this is where you get to send a message mainly through your body language, and the dog will surely take several trials to receive it. Often it is recommended that you stick your knee up and put the dog off balance, which is almost a reflex reaction. Turning your back and stonewalling is better if you can manage.
MaxPow, dog trainer Click Here! Click Here!

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our dog grooming training website.

Crate Training Your Dog Effectively
By dh5114
Crate Training your dog is one of the most effective and efficient ways to train a puppy or dog. Remember that repetition is necessary. Your puppy will not understand what you want unless you Read more...

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