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Dog Training, Training Your Dog
By Samuel Murray
Obedient dogs make the best companions. Time spent training your dog will reward you with a pet that is deeply bonded to you, respects you and is a joy to have around. Training your dog doesn't Read more...


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House Training Your Dog
By George Kane -
It is very important to housetrain your dog as early as possible. Little pups, like human babies, do not have bladder control till they are about 3 months old. So they will have to be toilet trained Read more...

Shy Dog Training, It Takes Time
By Dave Tee
When first starting to train a shy Dog it is very important to realise that it will take time. Do not expect to get results too quickly.Shy Dogs need to be treated very Read more...


Dog Training That Turn Savages To Performers
By kausarkhan
Dogs are very popular pets all over the world, no wonder they are referred to as man’s best friend. They have very many characteristics including the fact that almost everyone can find a type of dog Read more...

Dog Training, Training Your Dog
By Samuel Murray
Obedient dogs make the best companions. Time spent training your dog will reward you with a pet that is deeply bonded to you, respects you and is a joy to have around. Training your dog doesn't Read more...

Dog Training In Los Angeles
By Chris Simpson
Are you sick and tired of your dog’s disobedience? Would you simply like to go out in the park and be sure it will come when you call it? Well, in order to make it real, you’ll have to start training Read more...

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5 Ways To Stop Your Dog Jumping
By Michael Marsden

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

One of the most annoying habits a dog can have is to jump on their owners, or guests, when they enter the house. Jumping is usually a sign of great excitement on the dog's part, but it can also cause harm to humans and scare small children. In most cases, the dog doesn't want to hurt anyone, but show their excitement. However, this practice can cause harm to both the dog and the human he is jumping on.

It is important to stop a dog from jumping at inappropriate times. One of the last things you want to hear is that your dog was so excited outside that he jumped on your neighbor's four-year-old, traumatizing her. This not only scares the child, but could also get you sued. In many states, if you are sued due to a dog's behavior, you may even be forced to put your pooch down. So, how do you stop a dog from jumping? Here are five tips that you can try to train him to stay put.

1 - Start Immediately

The most important thing to remember is that it is easier to train for a good behavior than it is to modify a bad one. This means start training immediately, at the puppy stage if you can. A common mistake when attempting to stop a dog from jumping is to ignore the action or to shove the dog back down to the ground. Also, a spank doesn't mean much to the dog.

Discouraging the dog from jumping should begin at the sign of the dog's first leap. Keep a watchful eye on your dog and learn his body language when he is about to jump up with excitement. Once you see this, immediately give the "sit" command. With regular practice, and usually only after a short time, your dog will learn to sit rather than leaping into the air.

2 - Avoid and Shun

An effective way to teach a dog to stop jumping is to move out of his way when he jumps at you, so that he misses you completely. Once you avoid his jump, quickly shun him by turning your back on him and avoiding eye contact. Many dogs will understand this as an unwanted behavior and want to please their owners. The dog will come around to you to find out what is wrong, and when he does, in a stern tone, say "bad dog." He will come to understand that his jumping was unwanted and makes you unhappy.

3 - Distraction

Distraction is a helpful element when training any dog for any behavior. You will want your dog to jump when the time is appropriate, such as during game play, or even with the right person. What you want to avoid is a jumping dog when people come to visit or walk through the door. Well-trained dogs will jump only at the invitation of their owners.

If your dog has a jumping problem, you will need to enforce upon him to sit immediately. This may involve even forcing him manually if he is too excited; just remember not to scream or become violent. The key to this is to practice with the doorbell. As it rings, distract him with something he likes, such as a treat or a toy, while requiring him to sit and behave.

4 - The "Stop" Method

The "stop" method can be quite effective with dogs that can't seem to stop jumping. When you enter, and the dog jumps, simply hold out your open hand. When the dog leaps, use your hand to push downward against his nose and face while sternly saying "down" or "bad dog." Remember, your dog's nose is sensitive, so a hard push is not necessary. The push is also not the punishment; it is just a startling element to get the dog to stop. Do this every time your dog attempts to jump inappropriately and he will eventually learn that it is unwanted behavior. He will also learn to react to the open hand accordingly.

5 - Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement allows you to reward the dog positively for a good behavior rather than punishing for a bad one. As you continue to train your dog to stop jumping, the moment you walk through the door and he does not jump, immediately reinforce this behavior with something positive. The positive reinforcement can be anything your dog likes; his favorite toy, plenty of attention and love, or a treat. This will quickly teach your dog that not jumping is the preferred behavior and is quite effective.

In Conclusion

As with any type of training, it is important to remember that you will not get results overnight. The key to successfully teaching your dog to stop jumping is to practice, practice, and more practice! Just be consistent with your punishments and rewards so as to not confuse your dog and you will definitely see the signs of effective training.
If you want to learn more about Dog Obedience Training then visit: DogObedienceShortcuts.com - where you will learn about training specific dog breeds and curing common dog problems like getting your dog to stop jumping.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our dog training private website.

Pet Training Tips: For Dog Owners
By writerarnold
It can be a great feeling being the owner of a dog they can bring you joy and companionship and you will always have someone to come home to after a hard day at work, there is nothing better than Read more...

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