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The Metaphysical Properties Of The Moonstone: One Of The True Birthstones Of Cancer Astrology
By Shakti Carola Navran

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Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Cancer is called the Archetypal Mother and her Birthstone is the Moonstone (June 22 to July 22)

Cancerian Qualities
June 22 marks the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. Many people in the Northern Hemisphere love this energetic time of year, when they can enjoy the outdoors until late in the evening.

Cancer is a feminine water sign. All life on Earth depends on water, and all land animals, including humans, are thought to have originated in the oceans. So Cancer is closely associated with giving life, and hence motherhood.
The personality of Cancerians is fluid as well, with a broad range of personal traits. Home and family are always an important theme for this sign, for both men and women. They make loving, protective parents.

Cancerians are highly emotional, romantic, and loving people and seek nurturing in relationships. They are also very giving people and often seek to express their nurturing nature in the healing and caring professions. They can be reserved people, preferring to reveal their true natures in the security of their intimate relationships. They tend to be ruled by their emotional ups and downs. They can also be quite artistic and make good artists, actors, and musicians.

How Gemstones Can Enhance Your Cancerian Experience
What better way for the Cancerian to express his or her loving nature than with a gift of gemstone jewelry to a beloved partner?

Gemstones have both physical and metaphysical qualities that can enhance all aspects of your well-being. The perfectly aligned crystal structure of gemstones creates an energy field that interacts with our own when you hold it or wear it on your body. In this way, the gemstone can be used to calm you, bring you mental clarity, increase your energy, enhance your creativity, and much more. Cancerians have some potentially conflicting qualities (such as a desire to be connected to others, but also a tendency to withdraw) that can be brought into better balance with gemstones.

Astrology and Gemstones
Astrological principles manifest at all levels of creation, from the largest bodies in the cosmos to the tiniest particles of atoms all are part of the same network of universal energy. Based on the hermetic principle As above, so below, those universal principles allow us to read relations among the planets and extrapolate those principles to things here on Earth, to events in our lives, as well as to our natural environment. The universal principles that govern the planets are also seen on the much smaller level of gemstones, crystals, and metals.

The Signature of Gemstones
Each gemstone is associated with specific planets. You are already aware that each planet has its own personality in astrology. And each gemstone has a personal signature specific metaphysical qualities, different for each stone, that arise from the stone's association with its planets.

How to Make Gemstones Work for You
By considering the individual signature of gemstones, you can select the right gems for very specific purposes, according to their astrological qualities.

Gemstones can be used in three different ways:

1. They are precious objects of beauty that may hold a special meaning for us. We enjoy their beauty by giving them a special place on a shelf, desk, or altar.
2. They can be used in meditation by tuning into their frequency for the purpose of balancing our energy field.
3. They can be made into jewelry pieces for our pleasure, enhancing our individual expression of beauty and sense of empowerment.

If you like to learn more about the other astrological signs and their true birthstones based in astrology you can find more articles on my website.

Moonstone: Teacher for Your Life Journey [1]
The Moonstone, like its cousin Labradorite, belongs to the feldspar group. Many of the best Moonstones are white with a bluish glow; those are found in Sri Lanka, Burma, Brazil, Australia, and India. The rarest and most valuable, though, is the Rainbow Moonstone, which contains a whole rainbow of colors. It is found only in India. The Moonstone also occurs in orange and gray-black stones with the sheen that is typical of this stone.

I am fascinated by the Rainbow Moonstone and its qualities. This stone represents the high priestess from Avalon, the carrier and teacher of mysteries, the caring sister and the nourishing mother. The Rainbow Moonstone nourishes and balances the emotional system. It soothes our hurts and wounds. Its mysterious beauty speaks to our unconscious. It transmits peace and connects us with the eternal wisdom of the heart and with the essence of who we are. It connects us with our feminine side, a receptive state rather than constant action: it can help us reconnect with a state of nondoing. This is a place that is nurtured by our soul and guides us toward wisdom and the unfolding of our highest capacities and resources.

We cannot do the things that are most important in life: we can strive for what we think is right action, but we cannot make it happen. When I look back over my life, I see that the most important events and turning points were not things that I had any control over. I have tried hard to control and to act, but in the end how my life unfolded was not really in my hands; my life was directed by grace or guidance in action. The Rainbow Moonstone helps us to relax into that guidance and have faith in the grace operating in our life. It teaches us about the journey of life, which is not a problem but a mystery to be lived.

The Moonstone is a wonderful companion for our male friends, husbands, and lovers. It brings to males an element of the female spirit and helps them to connect more with their feelings without fearing them. It gives the warrior a heart with gentle feelings. Give the man in your life a big chunk of stone to carry in his pocket or to wear as a pendant over his heart.â€

As you can tell, I am very passionate about the potential of healing gems and all the different applications of those enchanting allies to raise your frequency for more balance and joy. I have even written a book about my over 30 years of experience in the fields of healing gemstones, meaningful jewelry, and astrology.

I wish you an enchanted journey into the mysterious world of healing gemstones and looking at them in a new way! If you enjoyed this article and my perspective on things, I would like to invite you to also visit my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog where I discuss the actual universal astrological forces and the special powers of gemstones and inspire you to use them wisely for a more successful and joyful life.

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran: Astrologer, Jeweler and Author

[1]Adapted from Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones That Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul © 2008 by Shakti Carola Navran. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989. All rights reserved, used by permission of the publisher.
Shakti Carola Navran has written the book: ttp://www.JewelryandGemsforSelfDiscovery.com : Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul and articles about the healing properties of gemstones and their use for meditation, balance and meaningful jewelry making. She teaches you about true Birthstones, based in astrology and their application for Soul Jewelry on her blog: Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems

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And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Dog Training Weekly website.

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