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Tips For Training An Older Dog
By Andrew Bicknell
There is a saying that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". For many people with an older dog that was never properly trained they probably think this is true. Just like people do, when dogs get Read more...


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Dog Obedience: Curbing Dissatisfying Behavior
By S. Lee
Does your dog need work in the behavior department? Perhaps your dog barks too much, chews on items that are or were valuable to you, digs his way out of enclosures or gets into things like the Read more...

Florida Dog Training
By Jeffrey5 Andrews5
Training a dog is not just about making it follow all your commands and verbal instructions. It is also about increasing your interaction with your pet. Not only does the dog learn a lot of things in Read more...


Important Guide To Training Your Dog
By John Singleson
Before starting dog training, it is best that you know your options well. These days you can find many types of dog training, in many different places. These trainings vary in price and each one them Read more...

Tips On Dog Obedience Training
By Jasmine Stone
Dog training will transform the dog's mannerisms, from a dog that will not do as he is told by you to a dog that will pay attention to your orders, from a dog that is annoying the neighbors into a Read more...

Dog House Training: Some Advice On What To Look Forward To
By Richard Cussons
There is no way for your house breaking, or dog house training plan, to be firmly in place until your puppy is 6 months old at the minimum, unless you have a way of keeping track of it round the Read more...

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Dog Training - Ear Infections
By John M Williams

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Dog ear infections are common in dogs and other pets alike, these infections can be caused by numerous situations and causes but as your pet relies heavily on their hearing it can be extremely annoying for them as well as soar and painful.

The shape of a dog's inner ear is the cause for many of the different ear infections due to it being able to collect moisture from playing around water or in rain, ear wax, dirt and unclean debris, and unwanted parasites.

To identify and determine whether your dog has an ear infection or ear related condition, you will have to study your dog's behaviour. Common ear infection activities include, rubbing their heads and ears against objects in your house like sofas and tables in order to stop the irritating ear, tilting of the head, and a red looking, soar, foul smelling ear with possible discharge.

To start you should take your pet to a vet to properly diagnose the infection that has occurred they will then probably issue you with medication or need to have the dog sedated in order to clean out the foreign debris. This process can be a difficult one for a vet and may have complications in finding the correct medication.

Dog ear infections that are diagnosed correctly can more than likely be cured, but taking your dog to the vet is crucial, without this step you will be putting your dog through more pain and it will take longer to become better.

To give your dog the prescribed medication you will need to raise the dog's ear and apply the medication to the vertical part of the ear so it can seep down into the correct area of the dog's ear. Then holding the base of the ear flap with your finger and thumb massage the ear canal and you will hear a squishing sound to note that the medication is in the correct area, then clean the outside and around the ear with alcohol to stop further dirt from getting into the ear to complete the process.
John Williams website owner For more information on dog behavior training visit the dog-behavior-training.co.uk website at this link...Dog Training.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Care Dog Training website.

Therapy Dog Training – The Benefits Of A Visiting Dog
By Sam Nichols
In some cases, people need a lot more attention, love and support than normal. This happens especially when they are sick. But, the unfortunate truth is that people generally don't have the patience Read more...

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