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Dog Obedience Training - Professional Or Diy?
By Rebecca Prescott
Having a new puppy as an addition to the household can be very exciting. Although it is easy to get caught up with this excitement, it is important as a responsible dog owner to ensure that your dog Read more...


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Tips On Buying A Hypoallergenic Dog
By Jasmine Stone
If you suffer from allergies, you are not alone. Even though most people suffer from some type of allergy, whether it is food, plant, or pet, they can usually find a way to enjoy their lives, which Read more...

For Dog Obedience Training, Start With The Basics!
By John Foley
It's important when you get a new puppy to start your dog obedience training as soon as she is old enough to interact with other people and the family; usually this means about eight weeks of age. Read more...


5 Popular Dog Training Games And Its Benefits
By James Lee
Dog training games can be use to complement your daily dog training activities to teach your dog basic commands and cultivate desirable behavior and at the same time foster your's interest in Read more...

Looking After Your Dog, Part Seven - Dog Agility Training
By Niall Kennedy
Dog agility is a sport in which a dog runs on a course, laid with intermittent obstacles, under the supervision of its owner or trainer. The sport made its debut as an entertainment event for Read more...

Easy Dog Training Tips
By tinny tong
There are many species of animals that share a bonding with the humans... Foremost among them, the men most loyal friend has always been the Dog. Humans and dogs are depended on each Read more...

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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading Electric Dog Training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Correct Any Kind Of Upsetting Behavior With Dog Training Collars
By Thierry Babineaux

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Using a collar is an efficient and safe way to correct your dog's unpleasant behavior. There are several types of collars on the market, but they all operate according to the same system. The dogs learns in time to associate the unwanted behavior such as barking or going places it does not have permission to with a harmless yet unpleasant reaction generated by the training collar.

Initially, people developed collars for hunting dogs. Those were shock-training collars. Such collars released a high level of electric current each time the dog misbehaved. These shock collars have undergone many modifications to be less cruel and painful to animals, but the controversy remains. Although such collars are not recommendable and are even under ban in some countries, they still exist on the market and are capable of releasing different levels of current. There is a lot of controversy surrounding shock-training collars and many people suggest to owners to try them on themselves before putting them on their dogs.

Recent studies have shown that dogs subjected to wearing an electric training collar have high levels of stress and are nervous around people, sometimes even attacking out of fear of shock. Since the apparition of electric collars, many developments have taken place, which no longer hurt the dog physically, but make him uncomfortable by spraying a jet of scented air or water into the animal's face.

Your pet will be so amazed and startled by the noise and sensation released by the collar that it will stop barking. Barking is the dog's natural way of noticing against potential dangers and scaring off threats. Dogs also bark to communicate with other dogs or with their owners. However, such behavior can become upsetting if every little thing triggers it.

Dog training collars are available for small or large dogs and the jet spray can have an unpleasant odor such as lemon, citronella or mustard. Some collars do not have unpleasant odors because they emit a cold jet onto the dog's neck to distract it from the unwanted behavior.

The market has seen the development of a new kind of collar that emits sounds that only dogs can hear and that bother them. These ultrasonic collars are just as effective as citronella collars and electric collars and gradually replace electric collars.

These canine training collars use either sound or vibration to determine whether the dog is barking or not. The best ones use both types of sensors, so they do not accidentally release the spray because of outside sounds. You can use such training collars to confine your pet's access to particular areas of your yard such as flower or vegetable beds. These invisible fences are very successful and your dog's behavior will meet its adjustment in no time.

If you have tried everything to stop your dog from barking or digging up your flowers and nothing has worked, you should try a gentle collar that just takes your dog by surprise and stops it from misbehaving. Improve the behavior of your dog by training it with the aid of a collar that you can choose from a wide range of harmless and yet helpful collars.
Dog training collars make the best choice when you cannot control the behavior of your dog. A dog training collar does not harm your pet, but it teaches it the difference between right and wrong..

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Electric Dog Training website.

Dog Training Tip: Biggest Mistake Dog Owners Make
By Diane Palmer
Repeating the dog command over and over, when it is not working!You have probably done this many times yourself, or seen others do it at the dog park or on walks. You hear them Read more...

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