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Training Your Dog To Meet New People
By D Beart
Most dogs love attention so they have a natural desire to seek out new people who might provide more attention. While it might be cute to see your dog excited to meet someone new, it can be quite Read more...


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Dog Obedience Training: Where To Start?
By James Kronefield
Dog obedience training was probably the last thing on your mind when you first selected your puppy. As you may well know now, for that puppy to remain as adorable as when you first got him or her, a Read more...

Find Out Just What Dog Training Is All About
By Daniel Waser
There are many misconceptions about dog training and, more specifically, effective dog training. This could be part of the reason there are so many untrained, misbehaving dogs frustrating their Read more...


Parenting Lessons Learned From Dog Training
By M Bauer Pulis
To some people it may seem ridiculous to compare training dogs to raising children. But, I’ve actually come to see many similarities between successful dog training and effective parenting. I started Read more...

Dog Obedience Training Doesn't Have To Be A Training Nightmare
By Dog Lover
Are you trying to work out how to accommodate dog obedience training in your life? I acknowledge I fought with trying to work out when I'd ever have time to get it taken care of. Even weekend courses Read more...

Crate Training Dogs – How To Crate Train The Adult Rescue Dog
By Adrian Van Drunen
When it comes to crate training dogs, puppies are by far the easiest to train, as they are young they learn and adapt faster. At times, it is necessary to train an adult dog to use a crate. Most Read more...

Welcome to DOG TRAINING - your comprehensive German Shepherd Dog Training resource.

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading German Shepherd Dog Training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Training Supplies For Your Dog
By Scott James

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Ask 10 different dog owners and breeders about how they train their dogs and pets and I would wager that you will get 10 different replies. This is not necessarily a bad thing in itself as long as the core principles remain the same.

Dogs can be trained much more effectively if the following modern teaching techniques are used. If the dog gives you a correct response then you should report the dog very quickly. Ideally this reward should be a very small food item with lots of verbal praise and if necessary, an open display of affection.

Studies have shown with the training that early learning is quickest if you reward the dog quickly every time. As the training develops you may wish to reduce the reward response to only intermittently usage. However the bottom-line worth remembering is that if the rewards system is never used, a dog will get to forget very quickly what it's done or more importantly what it should be doing.

Dog training supplies are available in your local supermarket and pet shops. Always choose supply items that are humane and look safe, anything that restricts your dogs breathing or movement is not a good option for training.

Dog training supply stores sell everything for anti bark collars to dog appeasing pheromones! There is always something for every dog at one of these stores and many come highly recommended. If you can't find anything in your local store the internet offers a vast range of products and will ship to anywhere.

Dog appeasing pheromones are new on the market, they help your dog relax a little which is great because in today's world there are lots of disturbing noises and smells out there and with a dog's senses a lot more sensitive than ours they need that extra bit of comfort. There are three different ways to use dog appeasing pheromones and your local supply store should have them. The three ways are a dog appeasing pheromones diffuser, which works by plugging it into a socket and letting it scent the room like an air freshener. The natural pheromones released will help soothe your dog especially when it comes to things like fireworks noises. Most dogs hate them and get anxious around them, and the diffuser will help them to stay relaxed. The pheromones also come in a spray which works the same way as the diffuser, the only difference is that you spray the area they will be entering about ten minutes before the enter and the effects should last around one hour to one and a half hours.

Your local supply shop should have a lot of different products for you to try and take home with you, training your dog is serious business and the more help you can get the better. Always take products seriously! They wouldn't be out there if they didn't work.

Before trying out a product always read the instructions thoroughly before hand and do not attempt to use the product if you think it will hurt your dog in any way. Learning is supposed to fun, for both you and your dog. So make it good by purchasing a few good toys along with your supplies!

Scott James writes about a number of Internet pet based issues such as Dog Training and Walkers, Dog Jewellery and Dogs For Sale.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our German Shepherd Dog Training website.

Shock Collar Dog Training Easily And Quickly
By Jon Marley
Dog training with a shock collar can be a really easy dog training technique. Due to the training shock collar dogs are coerced into behaving more quickly and prevent them from being distracted too Read more...

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