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Leash Training Your Dog
By George Kane -
Teaching your dog obedience is of utmost importance while training your pet. Though reward and reinforcement techniques work very well with dogs, training them with the leash and collar is the most Read more...


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Correct Any Kind Of Upsetting Behavior With Dog Training Collars
By Thierry Babineaux
Using a dog training collar is an efficient and safe way to correct your dog’s unpleasant behavior. There are several types of dog training collars on the market, but they all operate according to Read more...

Puppy And Dog Potty Training Tips
By Michelle Spencer
There's quite a selection of different dog and puppy potty training techniques you can use, but they all focus on the same outcome – which is the goal of preventing accidents in your house. A Read more...


Getting Dog Training Advice
By Timothy Peck143 Timothy Peck143
Dog Training Tips OnlineOur website will help you in all areas of dog training and offer you up to the minute advice on what you can do to make the transition easier and to Read more...

Common Misconceptions About The Cairn Terrier
By John P Jackson
As well-known, adorable little dogs often seen in Hollywood, many people who have never interacted with a Cairn Terrier in person assume they know a lot about the breed! However, there Read more...

Tips For House Training Your Dog
By Neil Teasdale
The first thing you must have when attempting to house train your dog is "patience." Keep in mind that when we were young, we too had to learn where and when we could go. Bad news is, we don't have Read more...

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Dogs Training Series First Steps In Dog Grooming
By Alex Rocklane

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Before proceeding with clipping your dog, take care of the basic grooming needs. These important activities are essential to ensure your dog stays health on the outside. An un-groomed dog is at risk of harbouring various disease that can cause skin irritation. Dogs that are constantly uncomfortable will become irritable. Some dogs become so sensitive that they will snap or bite their owners where otherwise they would not.

Keep your dog well groomed will also help prevent your dog from getting some serious diseases like Lyme Disease.

The first steps to dog grooming are aimed at maintaining your dog's luxurious coat, keeping the ears clean to prevent infections, and clipping the toe nails to keep them at a healthy length and in good condition.

Coat maintenance mainly consists of proper bathing to remove dirt, harmful bacteria and parasites from the dog's skin. Combing and brushing brings the natural oils down into the hair to give it strength and shine as well as protection. A good healthy coat protects the dog's skin from exposure to the elements as it provides an insulation that keeps out rain and cold as well as heat. Properly maintained, a dog's coat allows air flow to the skin. This dries any moisture and dampness which can make the skin susceptible to skin eruptions and rashes.

Always use soaps that are designed for dogs as they are less likely to trigger allergies or skin irritations that are common with scented human products.

Brushing and combing can be a pleasurable time for you and your dog. It gives you a chance to interact in a non-threatening and non-disruptive manner. This personal touch helps you and your dog to bond to one another. This will prove beneficial when you are training your dog.

Use a soft brush that is designed for your particular type of dog. Thick, long-haired dogs need a brush with stronger bristles that will penetrate into the fur, whereas dogs with thin and fine hair are better with a softer brush. Be careful when brushing fine-haired dogs as heavy brushing can scratch the dog's skin and make it sore and irritated.

It's best to brush your dog every day for about 20 minutes each time. How long will be determined by the type of hair your dog has. Naturally, short haired dogs can be done in about 10 minutes while hair with a thick undercoat, such as the Chow or Husky will take longer. Yet other breeds can take as much as 30 minutes if the hair is quite long and tends to mat easily.

Some owners use a hair dryer after they bathe their dogs, but this will depend on whether it makes your dog nervous. Many dogs do not like the sound of a hair dryer. If you do use one, keep the setting on cool or cold as dogs cannot tolerate the hot settings.

Take care when clipping the dog's claws. Be careful not to catch the nerve end inside the nail which can cause bleeding and stinging. Use proper sharp dog nail clippers. This will create a clean cut, unlike dull clippers that can splinter the nail, leaving rough edges. If a dog scratches himself, the sharp edges can cause injuries to the skin.

Nail clipping and brushing are best done on a raised surface to make it easier for you.

Clean out your dog's ears with a cotton swab to remove built-up wax, dirt and any other foreign material. Check to see if any parasites or infection are present. If they are, see your vet for proper treatment.

Make grooming a priority and do it regularly and you will avoid many unnecessary problems for you and your dog.
For more great tips and resources to help you train your dog, or puppy, visit Dogs Training Tips at DogsTrainingMadeEasy.com .

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our german shepherd dog website.

How To Use Dog Training Treats To Make Him Learn
By Sam Nichols
There are a number of methods that you can use to do dog training. Some ways need for the dog's owner to be able to use harmful treatments, while other methods ask for their patience and commitment. Read more...

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