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Golden Retriever Training: Where New Dog Owners Can Start
By Richard Cussons
People have countless different motives when answering what kind of tricks and training they give their golden retrievers. Some keep in mind dog therapy, others a semi-working status in their farm, Read more...


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Training Your Dog To Meet New People
By D Beart
Most dogs love attention so they have a natural desire to seek out new people who might provide more attention. While it might be cute to see your dog excited to meet someone new, it can be quite Read more...

Clicker Training Your Dog
By Jasmine Stone
If you are looking to train your dog you might consider using the 'clicker training' method, which has recently become popular amongst dog trainers all over the country. In this method the trainer Read more...


Crate Training Your Dog With A Dog Crate Or Dog Cage
By Vikram kumar
Crate training is an excellent tool for dog owners, and many dog owners have made use of this technique to improve the quality of both their lives and the lives of their dogs. The last thing any dog Read more...

Dog Obedience Tips – How To Effectively Train Your Dog
By jason bb han
Regardless of the age and breed of your dog, it is important that you make sure it goes through proper training. You want your dog to become a valuable member of your family and a pet that your Read more...

The Best Dog Training Books
By Morgan Hamilton
Why is it that my neighbor can't seem to figure out that when he locked his untrained payout and goes off to work all day that the dog does nothing to bark, bark and bark. What an idiot, a neighbor I Read more...

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Secrets To Training A Dog To Fetch
By topia29

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

When you wake up in the morning, and sit outside to drink your morning coffee. You will notice that your dog is in play mode chewing at a ball; or whatever your dog is interested in. You notice that your dog has a look of sheer joy in his eyes while attacking his toy. Now that the toy is in his mouth, he will run toward you in an attempted to get you to play with him. Your dog will begin jumping around, and happy barking to get your attention.

No one really decides that one day that they will go out and buy their family a dog; and then just assume that their dog is, already trained to fetch, sit, and stay. As well as all the other training methods that you, have to teach a dog. However, while training your dog to fetch, your dog will more then likely play keep away from you instead of play fetch with you.

All dogs are born and breed hunters, so therefore anything that you throw for them they will instinctively run after. On the other hand, when you want to play fetch with this toy your dog will not bring the toy back. When in the process of training your dog to fetch, you must first find something that grabs your dogs' attention. After you have found an item your dog is fond of, let your dog play a while with it before starting to play fetch, this way your dog can be, familiarized with the item.

Once you have found that special item that holds your dogs attention well, you can begin the game of fetch with your furry four legged friend. When throwing a ball or a toy for your dog to fetch, hold him by the collar then show the toy or ball to him. Now throw the ball or toy and say fetch it boy, your dog should be pulling anxiously at the collar. He is letting you know that he will go get the ball or toy that you have thrown for him. Upon releasing, him your dog will snatch the ball or toy up very quickly, when he does this say good boy. Now try to encourage your dog to bring the toy to you.

Many times dog, owners will have dog treats on them when training their dog to fetch, that would be a good idea as well. Encourage your dog by calling his name and saying come here boy. Now if he comes to you show him a treat and if your dog is hungry he will drop the toy to devourer the dog treat, enabling you to pick up the toy or ball. Now continue to do this several times, until he gets the idea that if I return with the toy in my mouth I will get a yummy treat. Before to long you will be able to go outside and play fetch all day long with your furry friend. Therefore, here is to good luck and hoping you and your dog have fun in the process.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our dog training tips online free website.

Dog Training Tips And Ideas
By leresh
You already know that there are any amount of reasons to coach your pets. You know it'll make your pet far easier to cope with. You even know a correctly trained pet is not as likely to get into Read more...

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