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Easy Dog Training Tips
By tinny tong
There are many species of animals that share a bonding with the humans... Foremost among them, the men most loyal friend has always been the Dog. Humans and dogs are depended on each Read more...


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Dog Training Leads And How To Start Dog Training Products Business?
By Mark Robert
What you need to Consider When Buying Dog Training Leads?For most dogs, there is a need for dog training leads especially younger dogs. There are two major things that need to Read more...

Positive Dog Training - How Does It Work?
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When it comes to training a dog, there are two ways of ensuing that a mistake is never repeated. One is by coercion and punishment while the other is by instilling a sense of right and wrong. Read more...


Dog Training In Los Angeles
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Are you sick and tired of your dog’s disobedience? Would you simply like to go out in the park and be sure it will come when you call it? Well, in order to make it real, you’ll have to start training Read more...

Common Misconceptions About The Cairn Terrier
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As well-known, adorable little dogs often seen in Hollywood, many people who have never interacted with a Cairn Terrier in person assume they know a lot about the breed! However, there Read more...

Secrets Of Dog Obedience Training
By Jenny Lindston
The purpose of obedience training is to teach the dog to behave nicely with people around them. Successful dog obedience training leads to a happy dog. The most important requirement of obedience dog Read more...

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Mealtime Is The Perfect Time -- For Dog Training, That Is
By O'Neal Hendrix

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Eating is one of the most primal activities for dogs. They love it, and they have respect for whoever gives them food (the leader in the pack). You can use your "power" of being pack leader to enhance your efforts -- every day.

The following suggestions will help you establish your role as pack leader and reinforce dog obedience, deferment to your leadership, techniques, and overall attitude and disposition (yours and your dogs).


A good habit to have in feeding your dog is consistency. Dogs love routine and food is a very important subject to them.

For example, feed your dog at approximately the same time(s) each day (some modification is fine for weekly schedule changes.) If feeding two times a day, pick two windows of time that you can be consistent with, for example, between 7:00 and 8:00 am and then again between 5:00 and 6:00 pm.

Having a window of time helps prevent anxiety in a dog expecting to be fed at a specific time each day (5:15 pm -- yes, dogs can zero in on a specific time of day like 5:15).

This is a very real concern for dogs and some dogs can fall apart emotionally and physically if they are expecting food at that time and don't get it. Ever hear of the dog that is panting and spastic and throwing up or having diarrhea? This dog is anxious. Setting a window of time and sticking to it will help your dog remain calm. Practice the same routine every day.


A big mistake is to offer up the running buffet, where food is available around the clock. This is actually a pretty common feeding program in many homes because it's simple for the humans -- add food as needed.

So why not do this? Because it leads to an obese, lazy dog who doesn't listen to your commands, respect your leadership position or adhere to rules you've set forth in your dog training.


Wonderful things happen at mealtime -- for you and Fido. You get the opportunity to have your dog perform (reinforcing all that you've done) for his meal. This could be sit, down, come, place.

So what, you say? Well, this is the easiest way you have of getting your dog's affirmation of you being the leader and reinforcing dog training. If you aren't the leader, guess who is. It will be the demanding, obnoxious dog bossing you around for a meal.

What exactly does it look like? Hold the food bowl in your hand. Your dog may be spastic, jumping, yipping, and pawing at you for the food. This is another opportunity for you -- teaching him to be calmer at mealtimes.

State your command once and wait (good to start with a sit, which is usually the easiest). Your dog sits and the bowl of food goes to the floor with praise for a good sit and a release "OK" that they can move to get the food.

When your dog complies with your command, he has just deferred to your leadership in the pack. (When beginning this program, you may need to help your dog with completing his command and praise warmly and then give food.)

Once your dog has the program down, you can introduce other feeders such as spouse, responsible children, etc to gently let your four-footed family member know her position in the pack.


By changing your dog's feeding routine, you change so much more. You get to reinforce all the and dog obedience you've worked so hard on -- and it feels effortless. You get increased respect from your dog for providing the important commodity of food and for being a consistent provider. The more you establish yourself as leader of the pack, the more your dog will want to please you and will be a snap.
O'Neal Hendrix is a premier professional dog trainer in Atlanta, GA. For many years, she has "worked miracles" with dogs and their owners. Check out her Trainer's Pick dog toy recommendations for all dog breeds and temperaments!

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Pointing Dog Training website.

Important Guide To Training Your Dog
By John Singleson
Before starting dog training, it is best that you know your options well. These days you can find many types of dog training, in many different places. These trainings vary in price and each one them Read more...

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