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The Lowdown On Dog Clicker Training
By dog-daft
Dog training is a necessity when you make the decision to keep a dog as a pet.Dogs, particularly larger ones, must be obedient, or keeping them becomes extremely hard work. In Read more...


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Dog Training - Five Great Reasons To Train Your Dog
By Julie Hill
1. Exercise your dog's brainWe all know that we need to make sure we walk our dogs and give them opportunities to free run. However, your dog doesn't only need to exercise his body - he needs Read more...

Dog Training Mission Bay: Teaching Your Dog To Obey
By Roland Parris Jefferson III
Having a dog is very enjoyable especially if your dog is obedient. If you live in Mission Bay, it is best to find a dog training school in your locality. The good thing about sending your dog to a Read more...


Collie Temperament And Talent
By Lamar Deane
Both the smooth and rough coated Collie share the same even temperament and ability to learn. Never a dog to go out of his way to seek trouble, this dog meets trouble when and as it comes in a most Read more...

Dog Training: What Is Dog Training?
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The term “dog training” can mean many different things – this is an important fact to remember when deciding what exactly you need to do with your dog. First, there is "behavior Read more...

Stop Neighbours Complaining With A Dog Training Collar
By Thierry Babineaux
If you are the happy owner of a dog, you have certainly shared many pleasant moments with your pet. The unpleasant part of being a dog-owner comes when your family and neighbors are disturbed by the Read more...

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Hunting Dog Training Should Be Taken Very Seriously
By Roland Parris Jefferson III

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Hunting should be taken very seriously because it requires your dog being desensitized to gunfire that normally accompanies a hunt and still be able to keep its focus on the trainer's commands. Before you begin hunting there are a few steps that need to be taken such as the trainer needing to provide to the dog a solid foundation that ensures the safety of the dog during a hunt. You may choose to start the training when the puppy is no more than four to six months old by introducing it to whistles, check cords, birds as well as the hunting commands.

Teach The Dog Not To Be Frightened Of Gunfire

In the beginning, you may expose to gunfire your puppy so that it can avoid becoming frightened which will come in handy when it becomes an adult hunting dog. You will then need to provide a foundation for the dog/puppy which best suits the animal when it is aged between ten to twelve months and is taught to work in as well as out of the field, and generally become accustomed to whistles as well as commands given by the trainer. It should also help make the dog develop its pointing instincts and learn to be patient when pointing at the time of the hunting dog training.

You must then, after teaching the dog foundation basics, train the dog to remain steady to shot and wing. Commands such as "whoa" will be taught to the dog and it will also learn the basics of real world hunting situations. Once completed, the dog will have learnt to work off leash in the field as well as outside and will then be able to retrieve to hand, which is teaching the dog to bring back the hunt without damaging the hunt. In addition, this stage of the hunting can also involve teaching the dog to respect another dog's point as well as to refrain from flushing birds.

Any dog that is descended from parents that were hunting dogs will naturally be inclined to the pursuit of hunting and will have abilities that will help it in its hunting dog training. It is also obvious that the hunting will teach the dog basic skills as far as its normal obedience is concerned and the dog should easily respond to simple commands such as "come, sit, and stay and heel".

It is also not unusual for the hunting routine to require taking the dog into the field for getting it used to the full effect of hunting in a real situation. It is also normal for the hunting to be performed under different weather conditions and different seasons will see the dog getting used to different game.
Roland Parris Jefferson III is an online researcher based out of Los Angeles, California. Need more details and expert advice on Hunting Dog Training? Then please visit our Hunting Dog Training Resource.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our dog training video website.

Bad Behavior Dog Obedience Training
By Andrew Bicknell
Are you frustrated because your dog keeps exhibiting bad behavior that is embarrassing to you? Do you wonder why he always runs away when you go for a walk or jumps on people who come over to visit? Read more...

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