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For Dog Obedience Training, Start With The Basics!
By John Foley
It's important when you get a new puppy to start your dog obedience training as soon as she is old enough to interact with other people and the family; usually this means about eight weeks of age. Read more...


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Guide Dog Training For The Disabled
By Wade Robins
Who said that “the dog is man’s best friend” didn’t talk nonsense, and the saying is old enough to confirm its value of truth: not only is the dog a reliable friend and a playful giddy presence, but Read more...

Crate Training A Dog Or Puppy Can Have Good Results
By Andrew Bicknell
Crate training can be one of the best things you do for your new puppy early in his life. There is a misconception that this training method is somewhat cruel but nothing could be farther from the Read more...


Using Dog Treats To Encourage Your Dog When Training Or Rewarding Them
By Thierry Babineaux
Just like some dog owners like to go through tons of dog names to find the one that suits their dog the best, similarly, dog treats should be only selected after careful consideration of their Read more...

House Training Your Dog - House Training Tips For A New Puppy
By Max Young
Once a young puppy arrives in the household, it is an exciting time for everybody. In order for the homecoming to go forward as smoothly as possible, it is a good idea to spend a little bit of time Read more...

Guide Dog Training For The Disabled
By Wade Robins
Who said that “the dog is man’s best friend” didn’t talk nonsense, and the saying is old enough to confirm its value of truth: not only is the dog a reliable friend and a playful giddy presence, but Read more...

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Stop Neighbours Complaining With A Dog Training Collar
By Thierry Babineaux

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

If you are the happy owner of a dog, you have certainly shared many pleasant moments with your pet. The unpleasant part of being a dog-owner comes when your family and neighbors are disturbed by the continuous and annoying barking of your best friend. Nobody can deny the fact that barking is a natural thing. If a stranger approaches and the dog barks in order to warn about the danger, that is its natural behavior and it deserves to be appreciated. If the dog barks because it is trying to communicate something to the master (perhaps it is hungry, sick or it wants to be taken out for a walk), this is also natural. However, a dog that barks constantly, at the slightest sound, is a great discomfort for everyone around it, especially if it happens during the late hours of the night, when most people are trying to rest.

You love your dog, but don't want to spoil the relationships with the entire neighborhood for the sake of your animal friend. So what can be done about it? The only solution is to train the dog and teach it to bark only when something important is involved. However training takes long hours and a lot of patience. You probably haven't got the time to go through it with your dog. In order to save time and energy, get your best friend a collar. It has been proven that collars are highly effective and they represent the fastest way to convince your dog to quit its annoying barking habits.

When you train an animal, it is important for the animal to understand what you want from it. The next step is to reward the animal when it is doing the right thing and punish it (of course, a symbolical punishment is enough, under no circumstances should the animal be submitted to violence) when it misbehaves. This is exactly how collars function. When the dog is doing something that it shouldn't do (for example, barking in excess, stealing things or running away) the collar that the dog is wearing takes a corrective measure, which is different depending on the type of collar you choose to use. The corrective measure can be a very slight electrical shock, some ultrasonic sounds that are disturbing for the dog, a smell that the dog finds unpleasant (for example, Citronella scent) or a cold spray on the animal's neck. What is essential is that the dog will quickly understand the connection between its misbehavior and the unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it will know what is required from it and will avoid such behavior in the future.

About the way a collar detects the dog's barking, you must know that there are many methods. Some collars use microphones, while others are activated by the vibrations a dog's vocal cords cause when it barks. A good collar will be activated only by the barking of your dog and not by other environmental sounds, such as the barking of your neighbor's dog. This is important, as you don't want your dog to be "punished" without any reason; otherwise the poor animal will be confused and won't know what you expect of it anymore. Actually, you mustn't think of it as a punishment, as by no means will the dog be hurt, but as a reminder for the dog to behave correctly. When the dog stops barking, the effect of the collar immediately stops.

We can help you train your dog and get rid of the stressful barking during the night. Our collars trigger a completely harmless cold spray on your dog's neck when it misbehaves. The surprise will make the animal stop barking. Your dog will not be in any way hurt or affected by the collar. In a short time, the dog will learn to control its barking and the collar will no longer be necessary. When you want to stop the training, all you have to do is remove the collar. The positive effects will be noticed right away. You will enjoy a deserved good night's sleep and so will your neighbors.
Dogs are funny and pleasant companions, but what can you do if your dog has a barking problem, that is, it barks constantly, at the slightest provocation, even during the night? Your neighbors are unlikely to be very happy about your pet's habit. To avoid further problems, buy your dog a dog training collar. You are doing him and yourself a favor. The dog training collars will teach the dog, in an effective, quick and harmless way, to control its barking.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Personal Protection Dog Training website.

The Basic Commands Of Dog Training You Must Know
By Roney
There are many reasons for dog owners to get their dog to be trained. For one thing, obedient and trained dogs are easy to get along with people or with other dogs. Another reason is that every Read more...

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