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Crate Training Your Dog With A Dog Crate Or Dog Cage
By Vikram kumar
Crate training is an excellent tool for dog owners, and many dog owners have made use of this technique to improve the quality of both their lives and the lives of their dogs. The last thing any dog Read more...


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When Teaching Your Dog Obedience, Positive Reinforcement Is A Must
By Craig Vic
Teaching dog obedience becomes a lot simpler when you understand how important positive reinforcement is. It really is the cornerstone of any kind of dog training course. But it's also important that Read more...

Tough California Dog Laws Means Your Dog Must Be Given Dog Training In California
By Roland Parris Jefferson III
California is a state where strict laws are enforced to dog owners, making them liable for any damages created by the dog. This means if someone is bitten or property is damaged, dog owners can Read more...


Parenting Lessons Learned From Dog Training
By M Bauer Pulis
To some people it may seem ridiculous to compare training dogs to raising children. But, I’ve actually come to see many similarities between successful dog training and effective parenting. I started Read more...

Dog Training Basics: Quick Fixes For 4 Specific Puppy Problems
Dog training isn't difficult, but it does require consistency and the right methods. If you issue a command, do so with authority. Some commands are taught together to be effective. Once you know the Read more...

Dog Training Part V: The Command Voice
By Hagar Lagarto
When giving commands to a dog, a calm, firm, authoritative voice is most effective. Dogs do not respond well to hesitant, pleading voices, nor to yelling, which might sound to the dog like Read more...

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Dog Training Using The Reward Training Method
By Ken Snowie

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

While reward training is commonly viewed as the most current style of dog training, it is actually a lot older than most other methods of dog training. It is likely that the reward training method has been in use since dogs were domesticated thousands of years ago. Early humans likely used some unofficial type of reward training when refining the wolf pups that ultimately became domesticated dogs.

A lot of the ideas about current methods of reward training go back several decades. But what we know as reward training today has only enjoyed its recognition for the past 10 or so years.

Most reward training proponents are not so eager about other methods of dog training, like the leash and collar style. It is likely, though, that the best approach to training your dog will be a mixture of leash and collar training with reward training.

Additionally, a certain training style might work great for one particular dog, but not for another. Some dogs who are not motivated by reward training but do well with the leash/collar method, and other dogs respond well to reward training while leash/collar training does not work at all. Fortunately, the majority of dogs fall somewhere in between.

One of the more popular methods of reward training currently is clicker training. While clicker training does not work for every dog, it can still be a highly useful method of training dogs. The way clicker training works is by teaching to associate a clicking sound with a positive reinforcement, such as a treat. When the dog does something well, the trainer reacts by clicking the clicker, then immediately offering the dog a treat. In time, the dog learns to react to the clicker only.

In reward training the most common type of treat is a food reward. Almost always, complex tricks or behaviors can only be taught using this type of reinforcement. In fact, trainers who train dogs for movies and television use food-based reward training almost totally.

Reward training is used for all types of dog training, including for police and military work. The majority of training in scent detection and tracking utilize a kind of reward training. You can also use reward training in teaching the basic commands.

In reward training a lure is frequently employed to entice the dog into a desired position or stance. The lure helps to convince the dog to perform the sought after behavior of his own volition.

Getting the dog to carry out a behavior without being handled is important. The point of the training, in fact, is to get the dog to execute a behavior without any handling by the trainer.

Once the dog has carried out the commanded behavior, he is rewarded with a positive reinforcement, such as a food treat. Treats are often used in order to reinforce good behaviors, but other positive reinforcements, such as verbal praise, can also be used for reinforcement.

It is important that a reward-trained dog also be a reliable dog. If a dog is trained to do a job, such as police work or drug detection, outside distractions are to be expected. Therefore it is important to train the dog to work and be focused around diversions, as well as to socialize him with other animals and people.

Sometimes dog trainers only train the dog inside the house or back yard, only when the owner is there, free of distractions. It is important to take the dog outside of his comfort zone and introduced to new people and situations.

It is also important that the dog be trained to pay attention to the handler always. When the owner has the complete attention of the dog, he has complete control of the dog. When executed correctly, reward training is a very effective training method that helps to earn the respect and the attention of the dog.
If you would like to learn more about dog training visit www.dog-training-info.info

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Puppy Dog Training website.

House Training Tips For Puppy Or Dog
By MichaelTeoh
Taking a puppy to your home is a big responsibility since you have to meet all the animal’s health needs and provide a loving environment. In the first month of accommodation, that may also be the Read more...

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