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Dog Obedience Training - Methods That Work With Your Dogs Natural Instincts
By Dexter Leonard
A common misunderstanding about dogs is that they are dirty animals. But contrary to popular belief dogs are very clean animals. Dogs have a natural tendency to never do their "business" in the area Read more...


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Quick Advice On Better Portuguese Water Dog Puppy Training
By Richard Cussons
Are you in the know at what age does a dog need to be in order to start being housebroken? You will read plenty of consensus regarding three weeks old being ideal, but results may be unsurprisingly Read more...

Dog Training - Keys To Bringing Up An Obedient Dog
By jason bb han
The tip in transforming that charming puppy into an obedient dog the whole family will love is proper dog training techniques. Like children, dogs need to know the house rules and will need to Read more...


Getting Dog Training Advice
By Timothy Peck143 Timothy Peck143
Dog Training Tips OnlineOur website will help you in all areas of dog training and offer you up to the minute advice on what you can do to make the transition easier and to Read more...

Dog Training - Training Man's Best Friend
By Rio Morales Morales
Training Your Silky Dog:It is essential to have a dog that knows how to follow the right rules and how to live around your house. To achieve this, dog training must be Read more...

When Dog Training Really Matters
By Jack Russell
Dogs can be very sociable. In fact, they sometimes get too sociable and get aggressive. That is why it is important to train the dogs to control their behavior. Moreover, dog Read more...

Welcome to DOG TRAINING - your comprehensive Small Dog Training resource.

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading Small Dog Training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Dog Training Overview
By Mary Johnson -

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Owning a dog is a big responsibility. As a pet owner, you are obligated, both morally and legally, to keep the dog sheltered, well fed, and safe from harm. You need to keep your pet clean, and provide him with necessary health care, including immunizations. Above all, you need to provide the training your pet needs to lead a happy, safe and productive life.

Basic provides a problem-solving foundation for your pet. By understanding simple commands like "sit" and "stay", your dog will be able to develop the skills needed to refrain from bad habits like incessant barking, chewing, fighting, biting, and urinating or defecating indoors.

There are two main reasons that pets, and pet owners, fail to succeed or follow through with dog training. First and foremost, it is not necessary for you to dominate your dog. To properly train your dog, you need to show patience, kindness and support, rather than assuming the "alpha" role and commanding respect through fear. Those "macho" tricks have been shown to be false. The second most common misconception of is that you can't teach old dogs new tricks. You most certainly can train a dog of any age, so long as the trainer approaches the situation in the appropriate manner.

The first step in training your dog is finding the right program. Check your local listings for nearby obedience schools. You and your dog can become educated on basic training methods in the classroom setting, and then practice the lessons at home. After you have mastered the basic safety commands including "stay" and "come" at home, you can move your practice sessions to other areas, such as local parks. It's nice to have a dog that obeys your commands and home; this obedience is essential when you and your pet are in a public place.

Short, positive lessons are always most successful. Try to incorporate the into regular daily activities and situations. If your dog follows you in to the kitchen to watch you make breakfast, ask him to sit. If he obeys, praise him and give him a treat.

Ideally, training will become your dog's favorite activity. Your dog loves to please you, so the key to successful is giving him a lot of praise. If you reprimand your dog when he does something bad, but neglect to praise him for his good behaviour, he'll concentrate solely on the negative aspects of training and will miss out on all the fun.

When done consistently and correctly, can be fun and simple for both of you. The key steps are catching your dog in a questionable act, giving a firm (never cruel) reprimand, and redirecting his attention and energy toward an acceptable activity. Don't nag your dog, and never spank him. Praise him whenever you can. Even if he's just lying on the floor minding his own business, take a moment to praise him and tell him what a good dog he is.

Dog training is a great way to bond with your pet, and you'll both enjoy a safer, happier life. With plenty of fun, too!
Mary Johnson contributes articles to several popular online magazines, on home and family and family concerns topics.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Small Dog Training website.

Dog Barking
By George Kane -
Dog Barking is perfectly normal as all other animals make their own unique noises, too. Birds chirp, foxes howl, pigeons coo and children laugh or cry. However, when dogs bark too much and bark for Read more...

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