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How To Choose The Best Dog Training Obedience Schools
By Chris Simpson
Who wouldn’t like to have a most obedient pet around the house, you could take it everywhere or leave it at home with someone else without worrying it wouldn’t listen. This is when dog training Read more...


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Dog Training Advise
By smgenie
“Why does your dog sit when you tell him to and mine doesn’t?", “How can your dog heel to you like that?” ”Wow! He comes when you tell him to” - Sound familiar? If it does, you need to invest some Read more...

Dog Training - Initial Training
Copyright 2006 Mdarma Dogs are known as a faithful animal, most dog owners or dog breeders would love to have a calm and obedient dog. It is said that a calm and obedient dogs Read more...


10-week Basic Dog Obedience Training Formula
By Joanneqpk
Learning new things can be stressful for your dog especially in the beginning when concepts and teaching methods are new. If your dog refused to eat during the early stages of training, stop the Read more...

Dog Training Part Iii - Communicating With The Dog
By Hagar Lagarto
Fundamentally, dog training is about communication. From the human perspective the handler is communicating to the dog what behaviors are correct, desired, or preferred in what circumstances. From Read more...

Properly Crate Training Your Dog
By Andrew Bicknell
The best time to start crate training any dog is when he is a puppy, or if that is not an option when you bring him home for the first time. If you decide that crate training is something you want to Read more...

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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading Pawsitive Dog Training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Dog Potty Training Basics - Part 2
By Jason Bush

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Dog Potty Training Basics - Part 2: Training and Praise

As I educate a new puppy where to go potty, I ALWAYS use a leash. When dog potty training, leashes keep your pooch near to you, so you can watch and control everything that goes on. Dogs, especially, are easily distracted. A blowing bush, new smell, branch, another creature - all can take a dog's mind off the topic at hand. If you are nearby the dog with the leash in hand, a gentle yank will redirect away from the curiosity. Leashes are really good to assist educate an AREA to go potty. With a leash, you just take the pooch to the area every time.

I additionally teach terms for pottying when I'm dog potty training. This way, as the dog understands what the terms mean, he will comprehend WHAT I wish as well as what time I wish it to transpire. My terms are "go potty" for urination and "go poopoo" for defecation. Your pick can be ANY term or phrase you desire to exercise consistently. Don't forget when you pick your term or phrase that you will be repeating it A LOT!

When I take my pooch outside on a leash, I begin to educate him the word "OUTSIDE". "Let's go OUTSIDE!". "Do you need to go "OUTSIDE"? "OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE!" In time, the pooch will understand that the term OUTSIDE is associated with pottying. Eventually you will be able to ask the pooch "do you need to go OUTSIDE?" and receive a response like barking, running to the door or tail wagging. That is when you know that the dog potty training is taking effect.
Mike Scilly is an expert dog trainer. You can learn more at easy-dog-potty-training.info

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Pawsitive Dog Training website.

Pet Training Tips: For Dog Owners
By writerarnold
It can be a great feeling being the owner of a dog they can bring you joy and companionship and you will always have someone to come home to after a hard day at work, there is nothing better than Read more...

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