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Stop Neighbours Complaining With A Dog Training Collar
By Thierry Babineaux
If you are the happy owner of a dog, you have certainly shared many pleasant moments with your pet. The unpleasant part of being a dog-owner comes when your family and neighbors are disturbed by the Read more...


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Askedweb About The Dog Training
By JasonHoman
Dogs are an integral part of our lives. They have the capacity to provide us with companionship and a devotion that is difficult to match in any other animal. And in return they ask for little: a Read more...

Yoga – Helping With Anorexia And Bulimia
By Barbara Tomasik
We all know that long term eating disorders can be potentially harmful and dangerous to our health. The most common eating disorders are: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Read more...


Dog Training Part Iii - Communicating With The Dog
By Hagar Lagarto
Fundamentally, dog training is about communication. From the human perspective the handler is communicating to the dog what behaviors are correct, desired, or preferred in what circumstances. From Read more...

How To Start Agility Training For Dog
By Provoc
Due to a rule, agility training should start month the pet is still a little guy. However, owners could still help training cloak older dogs. The question “when is the dog considered decrepit for Read more...

Dog Training - How To Train Your Dog In One Evening
By Emma Jane
Potty training your dog isn't easy! Getting your dog to come back when you call can be a struggle! Want to stop your dog from jumping up at people? You can stop all of this in one evening, would you Read more...

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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading Remote Dog Training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

How To Start Training A Dog For Agility
By profitweaver

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Introduction and History
Dog agility training began as a sport in the UK in the 1970s, and involves successful completion of an obstacle course. It's a great way to develop a strong bond between pet and owner; it can also help build confidence in timid dogs (and owners). It's also a great form of exercise as it uses not just the dog's physicality, but the intelligence as well. The human partner may find that their fitness improves as they are required to do as much work as the dog. Whilst agility training can be done to allow participation in competition, there's no rule to say it's not just for a fun time with your dog.

Type of Suitable Dog
Any dog can be trained for agility, although competitively, working breeds such as Border Collies tend to excel (to the point where they can have their own separate category when competing). It's possible to start when the pooch is a puppy, but as some of the activities are quite strenuous on the joints, it's recommended that the puppy should be at least 8 months old, and can obey basic commands, such as sit and stay. Both owner and dog also need to be fairly fit.

What is required to begin training is a basic set of equipment: a tunnel; cones for weaving through; something to jump over; an "A" frame; and a table to pause on. This may seem daunting and expensive, but you may fine a club that you can join or a class in your area. However, as training for agility is a gradual process you may find that you can start slowly with one piece of equipment and build up the course gradually. Initially a lead and collar will be necessary until your dog is familiar with everything.

It's best to start slowly: allowing your dog to become familiar with the obstacles. Walk your dog around the course, learning that there is no threat. You may find that you will have to demonstrate the obstacles to your dog so that he or she gets the idea of what he/or she is supposed to do. Start the jumps low and gradually increase the height. You may want to concentrate on one obstacle and then add more. Always, always praise and reward with treats when something, no matter how small, is done well. Never punish: the idea is for you to enjoy your time with your dog.
Charlie Cory makes his living from computers as a consultant, and has been creating web sites and marketing them for a number of years. Some of the basic requirements for training a dog for agility, as well as a discovering the real secrets to training a dog. Learn how to deal with excessive barking, nipping or jumping, without scolding or hitting your dog.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Remote Dog Training website.

Dog Obedience Training - Stop The Problems Before They Begin.
By ArnieJ
Dog Obedience TrainingThere are few things that are more frustrating than having an ill mannered, aggressive dog around the house. Proper, early training will insure that you Read more...

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